Google Cool Tricks

 1) If you type Sonic Hedgehog you will see sonic standing to the side , If you click him he will jump and if you click him 25 times , he turns into super sonic .
 2) If you search spinner , google will give interactive fidget spinner to play .
 3) If you search wubba lubba dub dub , google will ask you "i am a great pain, please help me" .
 4) If you type tic-tac-toe , google will give an interactive game , in that we can adjust modes i.e.,easy or medium or hard .
 5) If you search super mario bros , you will see a flashing question mark , if you click on it a coin will pop out , if you click that 100 times you will hear a 1 up sound .
 6) If you search fun fact , google will provide some facts .
 7) If you search the answer to life,the universe,and everything, google calculator will tell you its 42.


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